“Meet Menaca” is an open-to-all engaging online talk show that celebrates life by empowering YOU. It is a social initiative supported by a team of like minded individuals, with the mission to bring impactful and lasting societal change across borders by bridging the communication gap between people and communities.
By learning from subject experts and change makers through open, heart-to-heart conversations and also through sharing the stories of ordinary people who lead extraordinary lives, this show encourages and promotes greater awareness, understanding and resolution of the issues that plague modern day life.
Let us empower you and others to emerge, evolve and elevate your life individually and collectively.
The show goes live every Sunday at 14:00 UK time over Zoom video conferencing.
Register for free on the following Zoom meeting link:
Looking forward to seeing you there!
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is this talk show about?
This online talk show is to bring awareness to some of the critical social topics that society needs to address.
We interview subject matter experts about their experiences overcoming challenges, and ask for their advice in how to cope with difficult situations.
The main aim is to share stories, have thought provoking conversations, empower others to live a life of balance and promote well-being. It is a platform where thought leaders and change makers can share their experiences and people can learn from others who have overcome similar challenges.
Who is the target audience?
There is no “target” audience by design, however people who are interested in personal development and social change have been joining the show from more than 40 countries around the world.
Analytics show that it appeals to university students, leaders and people working in high-pressure jobs/industries.
Can I watch the episodes later?
Absolutely! Every episode is recorded and uploaded to my YouTube channel.
Community is at the heart of everything we do.
If you want to be part of our growing community where heart-centred, soulful conversations are the norm, join us online on our private Facebook Group.
After participating in one or several of the live episodes, if you feel like having a deeper engagement through peer support, feel free to join in our active WhatsApp Group.