Resilience: Survival Through Adversity

Always be grateful for the path you travelled and the path you are taking at this moment. Be thankful for who you are and the inner light each of you holds within.

Nothing is ever perfect nor no one is perfect, no relationship is perfect, no job is perfect. Life in itself is not perfect either. The secret of happiness and fulfillment lies in the ability to embrace imperfection and be grateful for the blessings.

It’s in the knowing life is a rollercoaster ride. No situation or circumstances is permanent, The tests, trials, and tribulations are all transient. The challenges we face, the storms we get caught up in will all pass regardless of how long they last.

These are your preparation, lessons to learn, and stepping stones to breakthrough, progress, and success. It takes strength, courage, patience, and hopes to walk through the storm. It helps to have a hand to hold, a listening ear, and a comforting word to win the battles of life. With determination and diligence together, we can overcome adversity. With time this shall also pass.

HEADS UP: Look out for the upcoming 3-Part Series on “Resilience – Survival Through Adversity” on my blog over the coming days!

Originally published in LinkedIn on May 04, 2020

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