The Success Mindset
Have you ever wondered what is the formula for Success in Business?
Many of us look for ways to achieve ‘Success’ in one form or another. What most of us fail to realise is the ‘Power to Succeed’ is within us all along. None of us is born with a fear of failure, but yet as we grow, often we develop it. We value others’ opinions and look for external validation to proceed with our journey.
As adults, we see failures as stumble blocks rather than a stepping stone. All the successful inventors and leaders such as Thomas Edison and Walt Disney wouldn’t have been able to bring about their dreams if they stopped at failure. As a leader, we need to be able to accept a ‘Course-correction’ while having the ‘Vision’ clear in our mind. One can explore various action plans to achieve the goal. Once an amended plan with a higher chance of success is adopted, one needs to follow through with persistence and focus.
Though ‘Agility and Adaptability’ are crucial we need to evaluate and analyse the outcomes carefully before we decide to change course. Many of us spend our lives looking for the “key to success” like it’s hidden somewhere; like we’re going to find it and if we do, our entire lives will change.
The secret of success is to have a clear Vision by looking inwards and finding your ‘WHY?’. Set a Goal for yourself. Consistently plan and take actions to align with your Vision. Evaluate your outcomes and do a Course-correction if needed. Be ready to adapt to change and be futuristic in your ideas.
Observe – Carefully observe the trends which will impact the industry and in particular the organisation in the future. Always be forward thinking and ask wise questions such as what would happen if….? Moreover, how would we change our practices to adapt and excel with these changes?
Think Creatively – Record and objectively analyse your observations. You are learning what is happening in your industry. Be proactive instead of being reactive which will help to inform the critical steps you need to take. Continuously analyse the patterns of change and create an action plan to adapt to the change.
Change – In today’s environment, the only constant thing is change. Hence, we need to have a mindset ready to adapt to change to maximise our productivity. By managing ‘Unexpectedness’, we become more robust and more prepared for change. Agility is an essential trait for a Leader.
Challenge – No organisation can grow without taking calculated risks. Therefore, it is crucial to be able to conduct effective risk management. Every innovation will have some amount of risk attached to it. To limit the risk of challenging the status quo, we could research the business and social economic environments along with current and future trends. Knowledge is empowering when implementing change in our own business.
Elimination – Achieving change often comes with fear of failure leading to procrastination. It is vital to eliminate indecision and inaction to achieve success. We need to consistently be able to create solutions to overcome any setbacks or problems the organisation faces. Although analysis is vital in business, over analysing creates its pitfalls.
Adapt – In today’s business world, acquiring knowledge and new skills is essential to be able to sustain a professional career or business. Personal development to gain expertise in your chosen field along with the ability to adapt can eliminate self-doubt, enhance self-confidence and increase the chances of success.
Empower – Empower team members and encourage a culture where each team member feels authorised to make the right decision for a client or the organisation at the time it is needed. Although the hierarchy in an organisation has its place, in the modern age each team member should have situational vigilance and the ability to make the right decisions after due consideration. The management framework should seek to develop the quality of the evaluation before a team member decides.
Questioning – As an organisation, you should question the current business processes and assumptions. Question those based on past success models. It’s worth asking stakeholders for input and to brainstorm ideas with team members who can create more forward-thinking business and management models along with leadership.
Growth – The priority of any organisation should be continuous growth. Growth is primarily achieved by diversifying (increasing the range of products and services) or by increasing the client base while still being effective and efficient. Innovation and creative thinking can aid growth. Your organisation’s future is determined by the actions you take today. We are in a Global Village, and we need to grow globally to succeed!
Act – Finding the why or purpose is crucial to any business. It helps you and the other team members to be motivated and empowered to act. Having a vision and goal for the organisation is essential. Re-evaluating the set of missions to achieve the goal enables quick decision making and the ability to act.