Are You Trying To Be Superwoman?

Are You Trying To Be Superwoman?

A few years back, anyone who had known me for some time would have asked me the same question. I was the kind of person who took pride in juggling the many different balls until I started to drop them one by one… slowly… painfully and at times disastrously with very grave consequences. My lifestyle…

Embracing Being Mortal

Embracing Being Mortal

As we gathered to bid our final farewell today to a family member, it brought home once again how sad, unpleasant and even scary death is. It’s no wonder we avoid thinking about death and shy away from speaking about it. We try to live in denial as we neither want to face death nor…

Discover Your Desired Destiny

Discover Your Desired Destiny

Each one of you has been created to dream. Each of us has been designed to make an impact and change the world into a better place. Whatever your desired destination, result or an outcome you foresee or visualise becomes your GOAL. For it to become a goal setting exercise however it needs to be…

Power of Words

Power of Words

We often fail to understand or undervalue the power of words. Words have Power! We often underestimate the power of them. Words I have heard have had an enormous impact on my life. Many a time a single word has changed the perspective on everything I am. This reflection was tangible evidence for me of…

How We React To Adversity, Part 5

How We React To Adversity, Part 5

Part 5 of a 5-Part Series: “How We React To Adversity“ Failure is success in progress. Albert Einstein The only way you can avoid problems at all times is by never trying anything new or evolving. Unless you avoid action nor develop you will face trials, tribulations, setbacks and failure. Acknowledging making mistakes and misjudgements…

How We React To Adversity, Part 4

How We React To Adversity, Part 4

Part 4 of a 5-Part Series: “How We React To Adversity“ In a nutshell being in the survivor mode is unsustainable and a breeding ground for mistakes. Research suggests, when we experience a significant change in our life like illness, trauma, loss causes stress beyond a point which can trigger in some of the ‘survivor…

How We React To Adversity, Part 3

How We React To Adversity, Part 3

Part 3 of a 5-Part Series: “How We React To Adversity“ If there is one truth, regardless of how ordinary or extraordinary your life is, you will ultimately be faced with calamity, trauma, disappointments, challenges, setbacks, failures, and even loss. You will be dealing with difficult situations and need to figure out effective coping mechanisms…

How We React To Adversity, Part 2

How We React To Adversity, Part 2

Part 2 of a 5-Part Series: “How We React To Adversity“ If an event does not have a defined outcome and is mainly defined by your reactions, why don’t you steer our reactions towards a better outcome? Even though you cannot control the misfortunes and adversities in life, you are in charge of your attitude…

How We React To Adversity, Part 1

How We React To Adversity, Part 1

Part 1 of a 5-Part Series: “How We React To Adversity“ As I was scrolling down the social media lazily, I stumbled upon this characteristic of myself. Though accidental, an interpretation of my personality couldn’t have passed me in a more appropriate time. This acted as a catalyst to dive into the subject of… How We…