Discover Your Desired Destiny
Each one of you has been created to dream. Each of us has been designed to make an impact and change the world into a better place.
Whatever your desired destination, result or an outcome you foresee or visualise becomes your GOAL. For it to become a goal setting exercise however it needs to be combined with and followed by planning, commitment to take actions. To get the results as a reality which has tangible results with a specific deadline should be attainable and relevant.
What most of us fail to realise is the ‘MAGIC is within us all along to bring our DREAM alive. None of us is born with a fear of failure, but yet as we grow, often we develop it. We create limiting beliefs, build self-doubt, value others’ opinions and look for external validation to proceed with our journey.
Goals are the essential ingredient in making our dreams alive and having fulfilling lives. They are the ingredients which decide what recipe you want to choose and what you want to serve on your plate.
However, many of us (including myself) been victims of setting goals, working hard to reach them only to realise they were the wrong goals, to begin with, once we reach the destination. I have set new year goals only to forget, have had bucket lists which hardly meant a thing and then there were goals set in haste which ends up in trivial pursuits and disappointing aftermaths.
We are often told why we should set goals as a recipe for success but don’t understand or know how to choose the right goals for ourselves.
It is vital to realise the significance of this step, and it is essential to know the secret how to choose your destiny by identifying the gift of goal setting and implementing this in your life.
Here are some tools I learnt and implemented to achieve my goals:
Know Your Values
Values are an integral part of us: when we live in harmony with our value system we feel fulfilled on the contrary when we live
What do you stand for? What are your core values?
If you are not familiar with value look it up… Write down the one which resonates with you the most… discover your CORE VALUES rather than cherry picking them!
Find Your Path
Once you gain clarity of your desired destiny (GOAL), the next step is to find your PATH.
Originally published in LinkedIn on May 24, 2019